Public transport

Trams, trains and buses

Buy a Myki smartcard for flexible travel between trains, trams and buses. You'll be able to use public transport in and around the city for just a few hours or all day.

Plan your trip, buy or top up your Myki card online and download maps and timetables from Public Transport Victoria, the one-stop shop for information about travelling on public transport (phone 1800 800 007).

Night Network

Running since 1 January 2016, Melbourne's Night Network trial has provided 24 hour public transport on weekends with all night trains and trams, late night buses, and a 2am coach service to key regional centres.

City Circle Tram

The City Circle Tram is a free service around central Melbourne taking passengers past some of Melbourne's major attractions. Visit Free City Loop Tram for a route map.


There are many designated taxi ranks across the central city. See the map for locations.


Here is a navigation map.